Dreissena polymorpha : Zebra Mussels
Origin: Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
Colonized areas: Western Europe, the United Kingdom and North America (Great Lakes and all major waterways east of the Rockies).
Method of colonization: Accidental introduction via ship ballast water, ships' hulls, floating plant debris and diving equipment.
Impacts: Aggressive, it rapidly colonizes waterbodies and competes with other species of molluscs. Thanks to its filtration activities, the Zebra Mussel modifies the habitat of indigenous species by changing water quality. Clinging massively to ships' hulls, water intake pipes and drinking water filtration plants, it dramatically increases the cost of maintaining human facilities.
Rate of reproduction: It is estimated that a Zebra Mussel produces 1.5 million eggs per year. Less than 1% (or 15,000) of the eggs reach adulthood.
Obstacles to eradication: High rate of reproduction, absence of natural predators, ineffective control methods.