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Anoplophora glabripennis : Asian long-horned Beetle

Anoplophora glabripennis : Asian long-horned Beetle

Origin: China and Korea.

Colonized areas: United States, Canada and Austria.

Method of colonization: Accidental introduction in wooden packing materials used to transport merchandise.

Impacts: These insects kill trees gradually over an average period of 3 to 5 years. Although they spread slowly, it is believed their impact on North American forests would be enormous in the event of an infestation: 71 billion trees evaluated at 2 trillion US dollars (IUCN).

Rate of reproduction: An average of 60 eggs per female during the life cycle.

Obstacles to eradication: Outbreaks difficult to control, absence of natural predators. Radical control method: cutting down infested trees.

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