NS Nature Trust needs help protecting rare turtles
By Natasha Pace Reporter Global News | 24 novembre, 2016
The Nova Scotia Nature Trust has issued an ‘urgent appeal’ to the public for help saving a critical sanctuary that is home to Blanding’s Turtles.
The Nature Trust is looking to buy a 36-acre property at Barren Meadow, in southwest Nova Scotia. In order to do that, the charity needs to raise $20,000 by December 19 to help with the cost of the purchase.
Of the $20,000 fundraising goal, the Nature Trust is asking the public to donate half of the amount. The Nova Scotia Crown Share Land Legacy Trust and the Marguerite Hubbard Charitable Foundation will match the public’s support with $10,000 in grants.
A Blanding’s Turtle is seen here.
Blanding’s Turtles are on both the Nova Scotian and Canadian endangered species list.
Experts say there are only about 350 Blanding’s Turtles left in the province. Less than 1 per cent of their hatchlings surviving, and the turtles are increasingly threatened by habitat loss. The Nature Trust says the property at Barren Meadow is an ideal spot for the turtles to forage for food and travel along the streams.
Anyone interested in making a donation to save the Barren Meadow turtle sanctuary is encouraged to visit www.nsnt.ca/savingturtles or call 902-425-5263.